

An important element of the payment system for SFY15 is the use of quality measures. For information on this – including overview documents, training videos, training presentations, submission forms, and other resources – please click here:

Calculation of Acuity Payments

For FY 2015, per legislation passed by the General Assembly and signed by Governor Haslam, Medicaid NFs will receive two different quarterly acuity‐based payments, and each payment uses a different methodology. The steps for calculating the two acuity payments are outlined in the two documents below.


Update on the New Nursing Facility Assessment Fee

This webinar will provide an overview of the new assessment fee process including how the fee is calculated and paid. The webinar will also include information on how the acuity- and quality-based transitional payments will be calculated and paid to facilities in State Fiscal Year 2015. Resources and additional information will be shared and time for questions will be included.